IMPORTANT ANNOUNCEMENT. hey everyone,. Web3 is facing one crisis after the next, in 2022.

09 Nov 2022, 18:33
IMPORTANT ANNOUNCEMENT hey everyone, Web3 is facing one crisis after the next, in 2022. There are mistakes being made by thought leaders and the most powerful people in our industry. As a result, people are antsy, people are angry, there is hate on Twitter. This is all because the value of MOST projects, tokens and NFTs is clearly not good enough for the average person to come in and spend money on the products/services. We are seeing capital being shuffled around between projects with market participants having mostly an investor mindset. There are not enough inflows of capital from people who wish to spend it for utility. Valuations are certainly inflated and they crumble from any form of negativity on Twitter. It doesn't have to be this way. Imagine you are Activision Blizzard, one of the largest gaming companies in the world. As a company and associated investors, you are on edge from an imminent recession, a pandemic, risks of global war - it makes sense. However, as a gamer, a user of their products, these things matter to you much less, if at all. You are injecting capital because you enjoy the games. You are a value injector. Crypto is full of value extractors - people who engage in the industry to make money, not spend it. There is a massive imbalance of value injectors and extractors in crypto, no wonder such panic ensues when TWO PEOPLE on Twitter are feuding. GOB is focused on value injectors, the players, above all else. Only at the point of value balance can the extractors be content. We have a good chance at creating this balance. Even if crypto and NFTs continue to face crisis (nobody really knows), how do you think people will view crypto assets that tap into the success of a buzzing game with loads of players (value injectors)? I am pushing to simplify the value proposition of our NFTs. We will democratize the distribution of value by moving power away from the company to the people holding the NFTs. THE GOAL: Have investors think "GOB has 100,000 players and poised to earn $10 million (arbitrary numbers), holding their NFTs directly involves me in that value. It is a clear value proposition" instead of "the charts don't look good, industry is in chaos, I don't see the flashy marketing necessary to attract more investors". We are leveraging web3 tech to democratize power, regardless of what is happening in the markets. Help raise the value of your NFTs by asking the right questions, engaging on socials and giving feedback on player acquisition. If we work together, ignoring the chaos, we have the power to find balance and all gain as a result. Cheers.